Motivational Quotes For A Networker

Instead of Better Glasses, Your Network Gives You Better Eyes

Networking Quotes to Inspire You to Connect with People

Networking is not about collecting business cards or attending every event. It's about building genuine connections with people who can help you achieve your goals. As Ronald Burt said, "Instead of better glasses, your network gives you better eyes." Here are 20 networking quotes to inspire you to connect with people:

1. "The only way to have a friend is to be one." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can't expect people to want to connect with you if you're not willing to do the same for them. Be genuine and interested in others, and you'll find that people are more likely to want to get to know you.

2. "Networking is not about collecting business cards. It's about building relationships." - Keith Ferrazzi

Don't focus on the number of people you meet. Instead, focus on building quality relationships with the people you do meet. Those relationships will be more valuable to you in the long run.

3. "It's not who you know, it's who knows you." - Harvey Mackay

In today's world, it's more important than ever to have a strong network of people who know and trust you. This can help you find new opportunities, get your foot in the door for new jobs, and build your business.

4. "The best way to network is to help others." - Ivan Misner

When you help others, you're not only building relationships, but you're also making them more likely to want to help you in return. Be generous with your time and resources, and you'll find that people will be more than happy to return the favor.

5. "Networking is not about getting something from someone. It's about giving something to someone." - Adam Grant

The best way to build a strong network is to focus on giving to others. This could mean sharing your knowledge and expertise, introducing people to each other, or simply being a good listener. When you give to others, they're more likely to want to give back to you.

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